Sunday, July 15, 2007

Message from the Chairman

Happy New [Chamber] Year, everyone! I am pleased and honored to serve as your chair for 2007-08, and look forward to a year of ongoing success and innovation!

Our past chair, Ernie Riffenburgh, has set a pattern and pace that has been embraced by this chamber. Ernie’s slogan for the 2006-07 chamber year “Be Relevant, Add Value” has become a mantra for the board, and a benchmark by which we began to measure our events, our efforts and our effectiveness. In close partnership with our dynamic CEO, Mark Smiley, Ernie guided our board and our chamber to new levels of relevance and new levels of responsiveness to our members. Ernie’s vision for our chamber was one of his most significant contributions, and I am excited to deliver and, with your help, even expand on that vision! This year, I do not intend to reinvent what has proven to be a momentum-gaining wheel.

Instead, I will retain Ernie’s “Be Relevant, Add Value” motto, and work with our board members to sharpen the focus on that relevance and value. Together, we will continue to evaluate the status quo, explore new possibilities and expand on our recent successes. Together we will continue to develop rich relationships and capitalize on opportunities that will further mold our chamber in to a highly regarded, well respected organization. We will continue to create a chamber that is an invaluable source of support for our small businesses and an essential partner for our larger businesses and corporations. We will invest the time and effort needed to ensure the Ontario Chamber of Commerce is an integral part of our business community!

I hope each of you will have a chance to join us this year by attending an event or participating on a committee. If your time is limited, I hope at the very least you can log onto our website and send us your comments and suggestions. Here’s to a great year!

Jennifer Resch-Silvestri
Chairman of the Board
Kaiser Permanente

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